Road Safety Tips :: |
Avoid Rash Driving |
• Be cautions at intersections, a danger zone. Intersections can be risky because there are a lot of distractions: turning cars, pedestrians and red-light runners.
• Steer clear of erratic drivers. Let a tailgater pass you.
• Keep your eyes on the road. Talking on a cell phone or reading a map can distract you and lead to an accident. Keep in mind that a distracted driver might also be near you. Drive cautiously.
• Be alert near parked cars. Someone could open a car door or pull out in front of you.
• Don’t drive sleep-deprived. Sleep is not a matter of willpower, but a biological need. If you become drowsy, pull off the road and get some rest.
• When passing another car, get past the driver’s blind spot as quickly and safely as possible.
• Know your brakes. Most cars have antilock brakes, which require a driver to apply a firm and continuous pressure on the pedal.
• In stormy weather, leave extra space between you and the car ahead.
• Don’t drive through water. A small amount of water can disable a vehicle in seconds.
• Don’t forget the basics: Buckle your seatbelt, limit loose objects in your car and lock your doors.